- In recent years, we have seen a formalization in the recruitment process.
- Covid-19 has drastically hastened pace of digitization.
- Solutions for small and medium enterprises are required.
- Platform to hire gig and temporary workers. Gig economy is on the rise.
- Increase in demand for recruiters, hence an increase in demand for recruitment platforms that can make the process more efficient.
- Cost per recruitment is increasing. Need for tech solutions.
- Trend shift - Payment for work and outcome instead of hours (Indication of shift towards gig economy)
- The potential to save valuable time in the hiring process, particularly when it comes to interviewing, is an attractive feature for companies.
- Startups have a tough time recruiting qualified candidates as they cannot match the salaries by major corporations. Hiring for product management, marketing and tech roles is the toughest.
- Hiring from outside rather than promoting from within; retention rate is low.
- Remote jobs/WFH is here to stay that require efficient recruitment tech assistance.