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→ Covered by Darshan Gandhi
Hey everyone, we are back with another edition.
In the spotlight today, we’ve got Palio - building an AI companion for your digital journey.

Socials References 🌍
  • Discord (no info)

Sections of the newsletter
  • Description ✍🏼
  • Team 👷🏼‍♂️
  • Funding & Support 💲
  • Core Product Details & Experience ⚒️
  • Community curation & engagement 🌐
  • Degen details 💰
  • Business model 🤑
  • Utility & Benefits 🚀
  • Post mint details 🛣️
  • Key details / What do we like? 🎯
  • What are we keeping an eye on? 👀
  • Closing thoughts 💭

Description ✍🏼
  • They aim to create an "emotion engine" where essentially, you'll have Palio, who will bring your digital adventures to life.
  • Users can generate unique digital companions in Palio, fostering personal bonds for a more immersive experience.
  • Beyond gameplay, Palio users contribute as creators and owners, influencing the game's evolution and content - focusing on the composability and extensibility of characters/games.

Team 👷🏼‍♂️
  • The team is stacked, with some members having previously worked at organizations like EA, Tencent, Zynga, Netease, FunPlus, and Ubisoft.
  • One of the team members is @_gardencosmos - I’ve been in touch with them for a while, back in the day when Xterio was in its early stages (Late ‘22).

Funding & Support 💲
  • Overall, Xterio games has raised more than $50 million+.
  • Binance Labs is backing Xterio’s AI initiatives - with a prime focus right now on Palio
  • They are already receiving great support from top KOLs and influencers in the space.

Core Product Details & Experience ⚒️
  • In the initial phase, users will get to customize their own Palio characters.
  • The focus will be on bringing these non-playable characters to life and making them interactable.
  • The experience will slowly be made such that these can become a part of the games and also help you extend the character or rather your “identity” to broader apps across the digital universe

Community curation & engagement 🌐
  • Extremely handpicked curation with partnerships with some native Xterio projects like Overworld, Age of Dino.
  • It’s also working on partnering with some of the top web3 groups and projects in the space

Degen details 💰
  • Name: Palio - a digital buddy
  • Total Supply: 3333
  • Cost: To be finalised, but expected to be low.
  • Date of mint: TBA
  • Platform: Xterio Launchpad (most probably)

Business Model 🤑
  • Revenue from mints
  • Secondary sales royalties

Utility & Benefits 🚀
  • Owning a digital companion / identity
  • Getting an opportunity to customize your companion
  • Opportunity to join the Xterio ecosystem

Post mint details 🛣️
Not much has been revealed about it.

Key details / What do we like? 🎯
  • Xterio backed projects have had an excellent run recently
  • 2024 seems to be a good year of seeing the intersection between web3 x AI come in place with AI-agents in gaming, Palio seems to be sitting at the perfect intersection
  • The community seems to be extremely curated and selected
  • Binance backing always helps - with a potential of listing / distribution to the Binance community

What are we keeping an eye on? 👀
  • Not much has been revealed about the future roadmap and the exact utility or benefits these Palios might provide.
  • Currently, most of the conversation is being driven by Jeremy on spaces and other platforms - it would be ideal if the team behind it takes over, since Jeremy is already invested in Overworld.
  • The exact utility of AI/ML that will be leveraged here - my best guess is it'll be focused on personalization models and training agents with a mix of computer vision to move around in games.

Closing thoughts 💭
  • Despite the uncertainty, I believe this should be a great project to be a part of.
  • Backed / part of big names like Xterio, Binance
  • Will be interesting to see how all the different ecosystem projects of Xterio come together
Again, these are just my individual thoughts and not any financial, legal, tax or any other form of advise. Please do your own research and invest accordingly!