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Hey everyone, we are back with another edition.
In the spotlight today, we’ve got Kiraverse, a free-to-play multiplayer game that enables players worldwide to compete for rewards, tokens, and collectibles.

Socials References 🌍

Sections of the newsletter
  • Description ✍🏼
  • Team 👷🏼‍♂️
  • Funding & Support 💲
  • Core Product Details & Experience ⚒️
  • Community curation & engagement 🌐
  • Degen details 💰
  • Business model 🤑
  • Utility & Benefits 🚀
  • Post mint details 🛣️
  • Key details / What do we like? 🎯
  • What are we keeping an eye on? 👀
  • Closing thoughts 💭

Description ✍🏼
  • It’s a multiplayer free-to-play game focused on serving a global audience where the users can earn rewards, collect tokens and collectibles. They also have an opportunity to trade them in the open markets
  • Developed by ParamLabs, an independent gaming studio who is focused on blockchain-based gaming.
  • Additionally, they created Pixel to Poly, a service that converts 2D images into 3D playable avatars. You can use these assets inside the Kiraverse ecosystem as well.

Team & Advisors 👷🏼‍♂️
  • The team boasts a rich background in developing games and major tech products, with notable experiences at Activision, Google, and Epic Games
  • They have also got Steve onboard, who used to be the President of Consumer Products and Chief Revenue Officer at Activision Blizzard
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Funding & Support 💲
  • They sold their initial collection of 10k supply previously generating $1.3m in lifetime volume (current FP is 0.03 eth)
  • Some of their partnerships and supporters include top tier firms like GameStop, ImmutableX, Pudgy Penguins and 30+ IP 30 collabs in total
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  • They recently announced a MAJOR partnership with Animoca, which I assume involves a strategic investment by Animoca - leading to a token play.
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  • They also have got support for the Abu Dhabi government

Core Product Details & Experience ⚒️
  • It’s a free-to-play, online multiplayer game offering competitive modes and the ability to earn, trade, or rent digital assets.
  • It features diverse game modes including battle royale, elimination, free-for-all, point control and 1-vs-1, serving different types of player profiles and motivations
  • Players get an opportunity earn “Kira Bucks”, the ecosystem's native currency, across both free and competitive game modes
  • It also introduces a unique "Pixel-to-Poly" service, allowing users to import custom characters for personalized gameplay.
  • Currently in beta and available only Windows PC, Kiraverse aims to combine immersive gameplay with real-world value generation over time and launch on other platforms as well

Community curation & engagement 🌐
  • They have partnered with Inferno Labs, who are responsible for the web3 marketing side
  • Recently they also had an AMA with the Neotokyo Community
  • In addition to this, they’ve had a very selective group been provided WL spots

Degen details 💰
  • Supply: 888
  • Price: FREE
  • Date: TBA
  • Chain: ETH
  • Ideally on the Kiraverse website

Business Model 🤑
  • $4mn+ in revenue over the past eleven months.
  • Distributed $1mn+ in value back to holders via tradable skins.

Utility & Benefits 🚀
  • not much has been revealed about the exact utility of these assets

Post mint details 🛣️
  • not much has been revealed about the exact roadmap and future plans

Key details / What do we like? 🎯
  • They've secured significant partnerships with GameStop, ImmutableX
  • Been building since 2021 and have actually got a playable game live
  • Will be a low supply, free mint
    • the genesis collection with 10k supply sits at 0.04eth
    • with the current supply that’s a ratio of > 10:1 - so maybe this equates to a pretty healthy price point for this asset
  • The recent partnership with Animoca is really crucial and could possibly lead to them launching their own native token as well in the next few months (most of the Animoca backed projects have a token play)

What are we keeping an eye on? 👀
  • There is not clear roadmap or utility addressed around these NFTs
  • They’ve already had a big 10k supply mint done, it’ll be crucial to see how these assets blend into the game economy easily

Closing thoughts 💭
  • Given it's a free mint, I'll definitely be minting it. But I’d probably look to hold and speculate that with Animoca entering in - there could be a future token player opportunity in the near future.
  • The roadmap / utility nothing has been talked about and that’s primarily the biggest missing piece of the puzzle
  • Banking solely on the team's credibility, investors, and existing collaborations, I believe this could be a promising play
Again, these are just my individual thoughts and not any financial, legal, tax or any other form of advise. Please do your own research and invest accordingly!