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Hey everyone, we are back with another edition.
In the spotlight today, we’ve got Co-Museum.
Building a collective, collaborative, community museum. They are supported by one of the best in space - Animoca Brands.

Socials References 🌍

Sections of the newsletter
  • Description ✍🏼
  • Team 👷🏼‍♂️
  • Funding & Support 💲
  • Core Product Details & Experience ⚒️
  • Community curation & engagement 🌐
  • Degen details 💰
  • Business model 🤑
  • Utility & Benefits 🚀
  • Post mint details 🛣️
  • Key details / What do we like? 🎯
  • What are we keeping an eye on? 👀
  • Closing thoughts 💭

Description ✍🏼
  • Building a digital first experience for communities to connect and interact with their favorite artists/IPs
  • It’s a collective, collaborative, community museum focused on pushing the ideology of co-ownership of the world’s most iconic artworks and artifacts

Team 👷🏼‍♂️

Funding & Support 💲
They are backed and supported by some of the best investors in the space including:
  • Animoca Brands
  • Google
  • NFTNow
  • Mantle
  • Kyash
  • Coinhako
  • Dentons Rodyk
  • Young Presidents' Organisation China
Animoca supporting them as well 🔥

Core Product Details & Experience ⚒️
  • They are pushing to launch the founders pass currently, which has the following utilities attached:
    • Co-owning art pieces
    • Connecting with top artists and brands in the space
    • Getting a priority access to events, drops & activations coming up in future
  • They ran their PMF check in Singapore sometime earlier where they hosted Singapore’s largest NFT Art exhibition.
    • Showcased works from over 25 international artists
    • Spanning over 7500 sq ft across two rooms
    • Some of the artists included Tyler Hobbs, Sarah Meyohas, Reuben Wu, Aaron Penne and Refik Anadol
  • In addition, they’ve provided the community an opportunity to become a part of 2 of the biggest projects in the space: Azuki & Pudgies
    • With Azuki, they provided an opportunity for the early community to co-own the ‘Golden Skateboard’
    • With Pudgy, they provided an opportunity for a free commemorative mint celebrating their adventures in Pudgy World during Art Basel Miami 2023
Those are some massive names and personalities in the space and generally in the art world. Plus, with the backing of Animoca, it provides them even an deeper opportunity to run more gamified experiences and activation programs.

Community curation & engagement 🌐
  • Similar to any top tier web3 projects, they’ve been picking and choosing the communities they’d love to want to work with closely and have been running pre-sales.
  • I saw they had caught up with Zagabond as well

Degen details 💰
  • Name: Founder’s Pass
  • Presale: .089 ETH
  • Supply: 3369 tradeable (300 locked up by team)
  • Chain: ETH
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I feel it’s a low supply mint, with super high curation being done, so will be a great opportunity to see folks from top-tier communities coming together.

Business Model 🤑
  • Primarily they aim to raise almost ~275ETH ($1m) from the founder’s pass sales
  • Next, I believe they’ll also take a rev share from the artists they’ve got onboard as a part of the collaborations

Utility & Benefits 🚀
  • Core utility as discussed above is around getting access to high-end art by top artists & connecting with reputed brands in the world.
  • The idea of co-owning an asset is very exciting since it reduces the capital barrier cost required to join in

Post mint details 🛣️
Not a lot known about it, but I presume we would start getting access to a few drops & events

Key details / What do we like? 🎯
  • Love the support shown by Animoca brands and other top groups like Azuki, Pudy
  • Low supply with high demand in pre-sales is always a great sign (though need to be careful of the road post mint)
  • They had some of the biggest names like Tyler Hobbs already as a part of their concept exhibition that they had held in Singapore, which is exciting to see the team already have put in some work

What are we keeping an eye on? 👀
  • Future roadmaps are always a concern, especially in a such a category of projects where the progress and success might not be as instant as it might be a token-play project; thus needs a good holder community
  • I believe to run this at scale and achieve even higher distribution and access, $1m might not be just even and they’ll probably need to find other ways of getting the capital in a sustainable way (which can probably be another mint)

Closing thoughts 💭
  • Overall really love the vibe of the project and the top tier backers and partnerships it’s got
  • Unlike other projects, it’s also battle tested it’s thesis with hosting exhibitions, setting up partnerships and much more
  • I’ll keep a close eye on their roadmap post mint and how does the project take off from there
Again, these are just my individual thoughts and not any financial, legal, tax or any other form of advise. Please do your own research and invest accordingly!