notion image
Hey everyone, we are back with another edition.
In the spotlight today, we’ve got [xyz].
  • *[abc] - one liner about the project**
  • * insert project logo**

Socials References 🌍
  • Twitter
  • Discord
  • Website
  • Litepaper
  • Linkedin

Sections of the newsletter
  • Description ✍🏼
  • Team 👷🏼‍♂️
  • Funding & Support 💲
  • Core Product Details & Experience ⚒️
  • Community curation & engagement 🌐
  • Degen details 💰
  • Business model 🤑
  • Utility & Benefits 🚀
  • Post mint details 🛣️
  • Key details / What do we like? 🎯
  • What are we keeping an eye on? 👀
  • Closing thoughts 💭

Description ✍🏼

Team 👷🏼‍♂️

Funding & Support 💲

Core Product Details & Experience ⚒️

Community curation & engagement 🌐

Degen details 💰

Business Model 🤑

Utility & Benefits 🚀

Post mint details 🛣️

Key details / What do we like? 🎯

What are we keeping an eye on? 👀

Closing thoughts 💭